"Let Us Give"


     近期新墨西哥华人联合会(NMCAA)和Girard Fellowship 联合发起一个“Let us give”的活动, 为homeless people,募捐旧衣物,毯子,和一些日常用品。若你有感动,想参与这个活动,请把旧衣物,毯子等清洗干净,叠放整齐,放置在纸箱里。若你有更多的爱心,愿意捐赠一些未开封的饮用水,纸巾, 牙刷,牙膏,香皂,洗手液,口罩,罐装食品,等易保存的,我们都非常欢迎并表示衷心的感谢。请在纸箱外面标上所捐赠的物品;





地点:9600 Ranchitos Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122


Online Training Program



1月15号周五美东时间 晚上8点



1月17号周日美东时间 晚上8点



Free Chinese Class

To serve our community and let kids study Chinese and understand Chinese Culture, we provide free Chinese classes for community kids. 


周六 4:00-5:00pm 基础中文

周日 1:00-2:00pm 基础素描

周日 2:20-3:10pm 中文二

周日 3:30-4:30pm 古诗词鉴赏

周日 7:00-8:00pm 少儿bible 

Zoom ID: 89844763846


"Food of Love"

At this time of national crisis, when many in the United States are out of work and struggling to make ends meet, United Chinese Americans (UCA) is working with Chinese American partner organizations and other entities to launch the nationwide Food of Love Day.  UCA has coordinated with Chinese American communities in all 50 states and more than 100 cities to donate food to the people and institutions hit hardest by the new coronavirus. NMCAA is glad to join this events to call local community to donate food to healthcare workers, nursing home, homeless shelter.  Lots of local Chinese restaurants joint this, some restaurants has been  closed for a long time since covid19 outbreak; however, the owner heard this event, they were glad to help and tried their best to provide delicious food. When our board members of NMCAA work with them, they are proud of our this event and be honor of our local community.

n May 10th, with funds raised through NMCAA,  a few local Chinese restaurants prepare food and distribute it for free to all patrons at participating locations. On the same day, many of these establishments will also deliver hot meals to homeless shelters, senior centers, hospitals, and fire station. We really appreciated Lin's Buffet, Pacific Paradise, Sushi Xuan, V Wang Cafe, and also there are lots of volunteers working together to serve our community.  Thank you for your guys generosity.

May 10th is a significant date in Chinese Americans history. It marks the completion 151 years ago of the Transcontinental Railroad, which early Chinese immigrants helped construct. May is also designated as Asian Pacific American Islander Heritage Month. With the COVID crisis creating so much food insecurity for Americans of all ethnicities, it is a great time to come together and share with our neighbors.