​支援医护 邻里守望 

One US, One NM, One Albuquerque​

Fight CoronaVirus With Chinese-American Community

募捐活动名称/Fundraising Event
( 感谢支持,捐赠活动已结束,不再接受捐赠,可点击上方查询捐赠情况)​
COVID-19 Relief Fund for New Mexico Medical Workers and Community


在新墨西哥亚裔家庭中心(New Mexico Asian Family Center,以下简称“中心”)和阿尔伯克基社区基金会(Albuquerque Community Foundation , 以下简称“Foundation”,基金会)的管理协助下,“阿尔伯克基华裔社团新冠病毒急救基金”正式成立。我们向社区呼吁:众人拾柴火焰高,希望大家共同捐款、筹集一万美元或更多善款,用于购买医护人员等急需的医疗防护用品。 

COVID-19 Relief Fund for New Mexico Medical Workers and Community

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases surge in Albuquerque and other counties in New Mexico, our doctors, nurses, medical workers and first responders, are to a large extent encountering severe shortage of medical supplies, including surgical masks, safety goggles and disposable protective coveralls. Their urgent need requires our immediate attention.

With the administrative assistance from New Mexico Asian Family Center (NMAFC) and Albuquerque Community Foundation (The Foundation), the CAECA Covid-19 Relief Fund for New Mexico Medical Workers and Community is officially established. We are calling for everyone of community to help us to raise $10,000 and beyond to purchase appropriate medical supplies to fight against COVID-19

We promise that:

All donations will be re-directed to local clinics, hospitals, medical facilities, shelters, first responders as medical supplies;
NMAFC and the Foundation guarantee all fundraising will serve the COVID-19 response efforts.
All donations are tax-deductible

3月21日至4月20 (From March 21st to April 20th) 

网络捐款/Online Donation (已结束)

备注栏请写上“CAECA Covid-19 Relief Fund ”   Please put “CAECA Covid-19 Relief Fund ” at the "Additional Notes" 

邮寄支票/Mailing checks (已结束)
请将支票邮寄到以下地址/Please mail your check to the following address:

Albuquerque Community Foundation,
PO Box 25266 Albuquerque, NM 87125-5266
请把“Albuquerque Community Foundation”作为支票的收款人
备注栏请写上“CAECA Covid-19 Relief Fund ”

Please put “Albuquerque Community Foundation” as the receiver of the check.

For note, please put “CAECA Covid-19 Relief Fund ” 


新墨西哥亚裔家庭中心/New Mexico Asian Family Center (NMAFC) https://nmafc.org/
Albuquerque Community Foundation (ACF) https://www.albuquerquefoundation.org/ 

Girard Fellowship (https://www.gfellowship.net/)